Sunday 17 March 2013

26 years of Bullen

On the occasion of my 26th birthday, a bit of a different blog post. Not about farm animals or random books, but a bit of a list to say what I'm grateful for in my life. It's so easy to be negative and say what you don't have but something quite different to recognise what is good. So here's 26 things I'm grateful for in my life (in no particular order!)

1.    My parents

2.    My nieces

3.    My brother and sister in-law

4.    Friends who are always up for watching crap TV!

5.    Awesome work colleagues

6.    A job I love

7.    Nice students

8.    No debt

9.    Good health

10. Confidence

11. My brilliant car

12.  Cake

13. Velcro rollers

14. The ability to read

15. Doctor Who

16. Living in a country which never gets too hot or too cold

17. Disposable income

18. Very few real responsibilities

19. Funny nights out

20. Walt Disney

21. Holidays

22. Black tights and leggings

23. Daniel Craig and David Tennant

24. Generally being able to eat what I like without ballooning to the size of Godzilla (a tentative one – being nearer to 50 than birth is frightening)

25. Cheesy 90s music (i.e. The Big Reunion)

26. Angst ridden musicals

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